
How to chat with friends by Command Prompt

By Unknown - Saturday, April 19, 2014 No Comments
Chat_With_Friends_By_CMD_XpertPCzHi Friends, Have you ever wanted to do something useful with command prompt like chat through a school's network or talk to your friend without having to download any fancy chat software? in your school or college where all the social Networking websites are block. Now you can with a few simple steps!, today we are gona tell you how to can stretch the limits of Command Prompt and use it as a messenger.


1. All you need is know your friend's IP Address.

Here we Go :-

1. Open Notepad and Copy the Code Below and Paste.

@echo off
set /p n=User:
set /p m=Message:
net send %n% %m%
Goto A

2. Now Save this Notepad File as "Messenger.Bat".


3. Then Open Run (win+r) and Type Cmd i.e Open Command Prompt.

4. Drag the file (*.bat File) over to Command Prompt and press enter.

5. Now Type the IP address Of your Friend's Computer and Press Enter. You will see like this below.


6. Now all you need to do is type your message and press Enter and Start Chatting.......!

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