
How to Fill Captcha Automatically

By Unknown - Monday, May 05, 2014 No Comments
We face many sites in our day to day web life. But in most of these sites we have to fill captchas to verify as human for any registration process.Some captcha are simple and easy to read. But some are headache and difficult to understand every time. So on that time this addon can help us a little bit. Because it automatically types the Captcha words automatically.

Here We Go:-

Download Browser Add-Ons

Install and login to your Rumola account
Then go to any site where you have to always fill captcha. It will take 5-10 seconds according to captcha type and automatically fill that captcha.


Their packages are costly. But anyone want to try this service they can try. Not necessary for all people. If you are expert in filling captchas , then you don't need this kind of addon.

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