Apple Inc. has designed Mac OS X, which only runs on Apple Computers popularly known as Macintosh, but Hackintosh is for those people who want to install Mac OS X in any computer isn't made of Apple, but is not that simply as it looking to be, unlike Windows or Linux Operation system that doesn't require any special hardware to run, but Mac OS X requires. As Apple requires special hardware to run Mac OS X, as same Hackintoshing is also a process of overcome those hardware limitations, by installing extra 3rd party software that enhances support of your hardware, it doesn't require and knowledge of hacking or cracking! However, if you want to install or run Mac OS X in your simple windows or Linux PC, the Hackintosh is made for you. Mac OS X is designed to be simple, easy and handy to use, for Macintosh but is your want to install Mac OS X in you PC then it's not that easy process for the newbies, afterward when you get to know this, later it will become very simple to install even the installing Windows, or more of the install Linux distribution. Just you want to know the basic know or computers. Share This: Tags: security Tutorials Prevoius Next
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